You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

538 lines
15 KiB

extends Node2D
#Cupcake Values
var ccVanNum: int = 0
var ccVanValue: int = 1
var ccChocNum: int = 0
var ccChocValue: int = 1
var ccStrawNum: int = 0
var ccStrawValue: int = 1
var ccRVelNum: int = 0
var ccRVelValue: int = 1
var ccCinNum: int = 0
var ccCinValue: int = 1
var ccHonNum: int = 0
var ccHonValue: int = 1
var ccNightmareNum: int = 0
var ccNightmareValue: int = 1
#Cupcake Upgrade Prices
var ccVanPrice: int = 10
var ccVanPrice2: int = 15
var ccVanPrice3: int = 15
var ccVanPrice4: int = 25000
var ccChocPrice: int = 10
var ccChocPrice2: int = 15
var ccChocPrice3: int = 15
var ccChocPrice4: int = 50000
var ccChocPrice5: int = 150
var ccChocPrice6: int
var ccStrawPrice: int = 10
var ccStrawPrice2: int = 15
var ccStrawPrice3: int = 15
var ccStrawPrice4: int = 75000
var ccStrawPrice5: int = 150
var ccStrawPrice6: int = 200
var ccRVelPrice: int = 10
var ccRVelPrice2: int = 15
var ccRVelPrice3: int = 15
var ccRVelPrice4: int = 100000
var ccCinPrice: int = 10
var ccCinPrice2: int = 15
var ccCinPrice3: int = 15
var ccCinPrice4: int = 125000
var ccHonPrice: int = 10
var ccHonPrice2: int = 15
var ccHonPrice3: int = 15
var ccHonPrice4: int = 150000
var ccNightPrice: int = 10
var ccNightPrice2: int = 15
var ccNightPrice3: int = 15
var ccNightPrice4: int = 175000
#Upgrade counts
var vanUpNum1: int = 0
var vanUpNum2: int = 0
var vanUpNum3: int = 0
var vanUpNum4: int = 0
var chocUpNum1: int = 0
var chocUpNum2: int = 0
var chocUpNum3: int = 0
var chocUpNum4: int = 0
var chocUpNum5: int = 0
var chocUpNum6: int = 0
var strawUpNum1: int = 0
###Preloaded scenes and scripts
var upgradeUI = preload("res://Scenes/UI/upgrades.tscn")
var horse_scene = preload("res://Scenes/horse.tscn")
var horse = preload("res://Scripts/")
var ccVanilla = preload("res://Scenes/Cupcakes/cupcake.tscn")
var ccChocolate = preload("res://Scenes/Cupcakes/chocCupcake.tscn")
var ccStrawberry = preload("res://Scenes/Cupcakes/strawCupcake.tscn")
var ccRedVelvet = preload("res://Scenes/Cupcakes/rvelCupcake.tscn")
var ccCinnamon = preload("res://Scenes/Cupcakes/cinCupcake.tscn")
var ccHonest = preload("res://Scenes/Cupcakes/honCupcake.tscn")
var ccNightmare = preload("res://Scenes/Cupcakes/nightCupcake.tscn")
var ccRock
var ccRuby
var ccSapphire
var ccEmerald
var ccDiamond
var ccLoyal
var ccChaos
var location = null
const AREA_PATHS = [
var areaScenes = []
#Area Locks
var neighYardLocked = true
var ccVan = ccVanilla.instantiate()
var ccChoc = ccChocolate.instantiate()
var ccStraw = ccStrawberry.instantiate()
var ccRVel = ccRedVelvet.instantiate()
var ccCin = ccCinnamon.instantiate()
var ccHon = ccHonest.instantiate()
var ccNight = ccNightmare.instantiate()
var ccRoc = ccRock
var ccRub = ccRuby
var ccSap = ccSapphire
var ccEme = ccEmerald
var ccDia = ccDiamond
var ccLoy = ccLoyal
var ccCha = ccChaos
#Cupcake Locks
var ccChocLocked = true
var ccStrawLocked = true
var ccRVelLocked = true
var ccCinLocked = true
var ccHonLocked = true
var ccNightLocked = true
var ccRocLocked = true
var ccRubLocked = true
var ccSapLocked = true
var ccEmeLocked = true
var ccDiaLocked = true
var ccChaLocked = true
var ccVanSpawnRate = 3
var ccChocSpawnRate = 3
var ccStrawSpawnRate = 3
var ccRVelSpawnRate = 3
var ccCinSpawnRate = 3
var ccHonSpawnRate = 3
var ccNightSpawnRate = 3
var ccRocSpawnRate = 3
var ccRubSpawnRate = 3
var ccSapSpawnRate = 3
var ccEmeSpawnRate = 3
var ccDiaSpawnRate = 3
var ccChaSpawnRate = 3
var comboLocked = true
var combo = 1.00
var comboMultiplier
var tool = null
const TOOL_PATHS = [
var toolScenes = []
@onready var timer = get_node("Cupcake Spawn Timer")
var horseAttached = true
var horse_instance
var horseScene
var mouse_position = Vector2.ZERO
var ccCount = 0
var ccMaxOnScreen = 3000
func _ready():
for path in AREA_PATHS:
var scene = load(path)
var instance = scene.instantiate()
horse_instance = horse_scene.instantiate()
location = areaScenes[0]
for path in TOOL_PATHS:
var scene = load(path)
var instance = scene.instantiate()
tool = toolScenes[0]
func _process(delta):
if horseAttached == true:
mouse_position = get_global_mouse_position()
horse_instance.position = mouse_position
if $"Tool":
tool.position = mouse_position
func _input(event):
if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.pressed:
if Input.is_action_pressed("horseAttach"):
if horseAttached == true:
horseAttached = false
horseAttached = true
func spawnHorse():
if $Location.get_child_count() >= 1:
#Tool Refresh
func toolRefresh():
#Update Count
func collectCupcakes():
$InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/ccVanNum.text = str(ccVanNum)
$InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/ccChocNum.text = str(ccChocNum)
$InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/ccStrawNum.text = str(ccStrawNum)
$InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/ccRVelNum.text = str(ccRVelNum)
$InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/ccCinNum.text = str(ccCinNum)
$InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/ccHonNum.text = str(ccHonNum)
$InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/ccNightNum.text = str(ccNightmareNum)
#Cupcake Timer
func _on_timeout():
spawnCupcakes(ccVan, ccVanSpawnRate)
if not ccChocLocked:
spawnCupcakes(ccChoc, ccChocSpawnRate)
if not ccStrawLocked:
spawnCupcakes(ccStraw, ccStrawSpawnRate)
if not ccRVelLocked:
spawnCupcakes(ccRVel, ccRVelSpawnRate)
if not ccCinLocked:
spawnCupcakes(ccCin, ccCinSpawnRate)
func spawnCupcakes(cupcake: Node2D, spawn_rate: int):
var randX
var randY
if ccCount <= ccMaxOnScreen:
for i in range(spawn_rate):
randX = randi_range(50, 1870)
randY = randi_range(50, 1030)
cupcake.position = Vector2(randX, randY)
ccCount += spawn_rate
func _on_upgrades_one_more_cupcake():
if ccVanNum >= ccVanPrice:
ccVanSpawnRate += 1
ccVanNum -= ccVanPrice
ccVanPrice = ccVanPrice * 1.3
vanUpNum1 += 1
$Upgrades/Control/VanScroll/VanGrid/VanUp1/Price.text = str(ccVanPrice)
func _on_upgrades_faster_cupcake():
if ccVanNum >= ccVanPrice2:
ccVanNum -= ccVanPrice2
ccVanPrice2 = ccVanPrice2 * 1.3
timer.wait_time = timer.wait_time - (timer.wait_time * 0.01)
vanUpNum2 += 1
$Upgrades/Control/VanScroll/VanGrid/VanUp2/Price.text = str(ccVanPrice2)
func _on_upgrades_condensed_cupcake_1():
if ccVanNum >= ccVanPrice3:
ccVanNum -= ccVanPrice3
ccVanPrice3 = ccVanPrice3 * 1.3
ccVanValue += 1
vanUpNum3 += 1
$Upgrades/Control/VanScroll/VanGrid/VanUp3/Price.text = str(ccVanPrice3)
func _on_upgrades_one_more_cupcake_2():
if ccChocNum >= ccChocPrice:
ccChocSpawnRate += 1
ccChocNum -= ccChocPrice
ccChocPrice = ccChocPrice * 1.3
chocUpNum1 += 1
$Upgrades/Control/ChocScroll/ChocGrid/ChocUp1/Price.text = str(ccChocPrice)
func _on_upgrades_faster_cupcake_2():
if ccChocNum >= ccChocPrice2:
ccChocNum -= ccChocPrice2
ccChocPrice2 = ccChocPrice2 * 1.3
timer.wait_time = timer.wait_time - (timer.wait_time * 0.01)
chocUpNum2 += 1
$Upgrades/Control/ChocScroll/ChocGrid/ChocUp2/Price.text = str(ccChocPrice2)
func _on_upgrades_condensed_cupcake_2():
if ccChocNum >= ccChocPrice3:
ccChocNum -= ccChocPrice3
ccChocPrice3 = ccChocPrice3 * 1.3
ccChocValue += 1
chocUpNum3 += 1
$Upgrades/Control/ChocScroll/ChocGrid/ChocUp3/Price.text = str(ccChocPrice3)
func _on_upgrades_one_more_cupcake_3():
if ccStrawNum >= ccStrawPrice:
ccStrawSpawnRate += 1
ccStrawNum -= ccStrawPrice
ccStrawPrice = ccStrawPrice * 1.3
strawUpNum1 += 1
$Upgrades/Control/StrawScroll/StrawGrid/StrawUp1/Price.text = str(ccStrawPrice)
func _on_upgrades_faster_cupcake_3():
if ccStrawNum >= ccStrawPrice2:
ccStrawNum -= ccStrawPrice2
ccStrawPrice2 = ccStrawPrice2 * 1.3
timer.wait_time = timer.wait_time - (timer.wait_time * 0.01)
$Upgrades/Control/StrawScroll/StrawGrid/StrawUp2/Price.text = str(ccStrawPrice2)
func _on_upgrades_condensed_cupcake_3():
if ccStrawNum >= ccStrawPrice3:
ccStrawNum -= ccStrawPrice3
ccStrawPrice3 = ccStrawPrice3 * 1.3
ccStrawValue += 1
$Upgrades/Control/StrawScroll/StrawGrid/StrawUp3/Price.text = str(ccStrawPrice3)
#Red Velvet
func _on_upgrades_one_more_cupcake_4():
if ccRVelNum >= ccRVelPrice:
ccRVelSpawnRate += 1
ccRVelNum -= ccRVelPrice
ccRVelPrice = ccRVelPrice * 1.3
$Upgrades/Control/RVelScroll/RVelGrid/RVelUp1/Price.text = str(ccRVelPrice)
func _on_upgrades_faster_cupcake_4():
if ccRVelNum >= ccRVelPrice2:
ccRVelNum -= ccRVelPrice2
ccRVelPrice2 = ccRVelPrice2 * 1.3
timer.wait_time = timer.wait_time - (timer.wait_time * 0.01)
$Upgrades/Control/RVelScroll/RVelGrid/RVelUp2/Price.text = str(ccRVelPrice2)
func _on_upgrades_condensed_cupcake_4():
if ccRVelNum >= ccRVelPrice3:
ccRVelNum -= ccRVelPrice3
ccRVelPrice3 = ccRVelPrice3 * 1.3
ccRVelValue += 1
$Upgrades/Control/RVelScroll/RVelGrid/RVelUp3/Price.text = str(ccRVelPrice3)
func _on_upgrades_one_more_cupcake_5():
if ccCinNum >= ccCinPrice:
ccCinSpawnRate += 1
ccCinNum -= ccCinPrice
ccCinPrice = ccCinPrice * 1.3
$Upgrades/Control/CinScroll/CinGrid/CinUp1/Price.text = str(ccCinPrice)
func _on_upgrades_faster_cupcake_5():
if ccCinNum >= ccCinPrice2:
ccCinNum -= ccCinPrice2
ccCinPrice2 = ccCinPrice2 * 1.3
timer.wait_time = timer.wait_time - (timer.wait_time * 0.01)
$Upgrades/Control/CinScroll/CinGrid/CinUp2/Price.text = str(ccCinPrice2)
func _on_upgrades_condensed_cupcake_5():
if ccCinNum >= ccCinPrice3:
ccCinNum -= ccCinPrice3
ccCinPrice3 = ccCinPrice3 * 1.3
ccCinValue += 1
$Upgrades/Control/CinScroll/CinGrid/CinUp3/Price.text = str(ccCinPrice3)
func _on_upgrades_condensed_cupcake_6():
if ccHonNum >= ccHonPrice:
ccHonSpawnRate += 1
ccHonNum -= ccHonPrice
ccHonPrice = ccHonPrice * 1.3
$Upgrades/Control/HonScroll/HonGrid/HonUp1/Price.text = str(ccHonPrice)
func _on_upgrades_faster_cupcake_6():
if ccHonNum >= ccHonPrice2:
ccHonNum -= ccHonPrice2
ccHonPrice2 = ccHonPrice2 * 1.3
timer.wait_time = timer.wait_time - (timer.wait_time * 0.01)
$Upgrades/Control/HonScroll/HonGrid/HonUp2/Price.text = str(ccHonPrice2)
func _on_upgrades_one_more_cupcake_6():
if ccHonNum >= ccHonPrice3:
ccHonNum -= ccHonPrice3
ccHonPrice3 = ccHonPrice3 * 1.3
ccHonValue += 1
$Upgrades/Control/HonScroll/HonGrid/HonUp3/Price.text = str(ccHonPrice3)
func _on_upgrades_cupcake_damage():
func _on_upgrades_horse_health():
func _on_upgrades_sweetie_damage():
func _on_upgrades_unlock_choc():
if ccVanNum >= ccVanPrice4:
ccVanNum -= ccVanPrice4
ccChocLocked = false
$"InGameUI/Main/HBoxContainer/Choc".visible = true
$"InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/chocIcon".visible = true
$"InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/ccChocNum".visible = true
$"Upgrades/Control/VanScroll/VanGrid/VanUp4/Buy".visible = false
func _on_upgrades_unlock_straw():
if ccChocNum >= ccChocPrice4:
ccChocNum -= ccChocPrice4
ccStrawLocked = false
$"InGameUI/Main/HBoxContainer/Straw".visible = true
$"InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/strawIcon".visible = true
$"InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/ccStrawNum".visible = true
$"Upgrades/Control/ChocScroll/ChocGrid/ChocUp4/Buy".visible = false
func _on_upgrades_unlock_r_vel():
if ccStrawNum >= ccStrawPrice4:
ccStrawNum -= ccStrawPrice4
ccRVelLocked = false
$"InGameUI/Main/HBoxContainer/RVel".visible = true
$"InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/rvelIcon".visible = true
$"InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/ccRVelNum".visible = true
$"Upgrades/Control/StrawScroll/StrawGrid/StrawUp4/Buy".visible = false
func _on_upgrades_unlock_cin():
if ccRVelNum >= ccRVelPrice4:
ccRVelNum -= ccRVelPrice4
ccCinLocked = false
$"InGameUI/Main/HBoxContainer/Cin".visible = true
$"InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/cinIcon".visible = true
$"InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/ccCinNum".visible = true
$"Upgrades/Control/RVelScroll/RVelGrid/RVelUp4/Buy".visible = false
func _on_upgrades_unlock_hon():
if ccCinNum >= ccCinPrice4:
ccCinNum -= ccCinPrice4
ccHonLocked = false
$"InGameUI/Main/HBoxContainer/Honest".visible = true
$"InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/honIcon".visible = true
$"InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/ccHonNum".visible = true
$"Upgrades/Control/CinScroll/CinGrid/CinUp4/Buy".visible = false
func _on_upgrades_unlock_nightmare():
if ccHonNum >= ccHonPrice4:
ccHonNum -= ccHonPrice4
ccNightLocked = false
$"InGameUI/Main/HBoxContainer/Night".visible = true
$"InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/nightIcon".visible = true
$"InGameUI/Num/NumGrid/ccNightNum".visible = true
$"Upgrades/Control/HonScroll/HonGrid/HonUp4/Buy".visible = false
func _on_van_cupcake_cc_van_collected():
ccVanNum += ccVanValue
ccCount -= 1
func _on_choc_cupcake_cc_choc_collected():
ccChocNum += ccChocValue
ccCount -= 1
func _on_straw_cupcake_cc_straw_collected():
ccStrawNum += ccStrawValue
ccCount -= 1
func _on_rvel_cupcake_cc_rvel_collected():
ccRVelNum += ccRVelValue
ccCount -= 1
func _on_cin_cupcake_cc_cin_collected():
ccCinNum += ccCinValue
ccCount -= 1
func _on_honest_cupcake_cc_hon_collected():
ccHonNum += ccHonValue
ccCount -= 1
func _on_night_cupcake_cc_night_collected():
ccNightmareNum += ccNightmareValue
ccCount -= 1
func _on_upgrades_your_yard():
if $Upgrades/Control/AreaScroll/AreaGrid/Area1/Buy.disabled == false:
location = areaScenes[0]
$Upgrades/Control/AreaScroll/AreaGrid/Area2/Buy.disabled = false
$Upgrades/Control/AreaScroll/AreaGrid/Area1/Buy.disabled = true
$Upgrades/Control/AreaScroll/AreaGrid/Area1/Buy.text = str("Teleport (You're here)")
$Upgrades/Control/AreaScroll/AreaGrid/Area2/Buy.text = str("Teleport")
func _on_upgrades_neigh_yard():
if neighYardLocked == true:
if ccStrawNum >= ccStrawPrice6:
ccStrawNum -= ccStrawPrice6
neighYardLocked = false
elif neighYardLocked == false and $Upgrades/Control/AreaScroll/AreaGrid/Area2/Buy.disabled == false:
location = areaScenes[1]
$Upgrades/Control/AreaScroll/AreaGrid/Area2/Buy.disabled = true
$Upgrades/Control/AreaScroll/AreaGrid/Area1/Buy.disabled = false
$Upgrades/Control/AreaScroll/AreaGrid/Area1/Buy.text = str("Teleport")
$Upgrades/Control/AreaScroll/AreaGrid/Area2/Buy.text = str("Teleport (You're here)")
func _on_upgrades_honest_dungeon():
pass # Replace with function body.
func _on_upgrades_abandoned_castle():
pass # Replace with function body.
func _on_upgrades_tool_1():
tool = toolScenes[0]
func _on_upgrades_tool_2():
tool = toolScenes[1]