class_name Config extends Node ## Interface for a single configuration file through [ConfigFile]. const CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION := "user://config.cfg" const DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION := "res://default_config.cfg" static var config_file : ConfigFile static func _init(): load_config_file() static func _save_config_file() -> void: var save_error : int = if save_error: print("save config file failed with error %d" % save_error) static func load_config_file() -> void: if config_file != null: return config_file = var load_error : int = config_file.load(CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION) if load_error: var load_default_error : int = config_file.load(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION) if load_default_error: print("loading default config file failed with error %d" % load_default_error) var save_error : int = if save_error: print("save config file failed with error %d" % save_error) static func set_config(section: String, key: String, value) -> void: load_config_file() config_file.set_value(section, key, value) _save_config_file() static func get_config(section: String, key: String, default = null) -> Variant: load_config_file() return config_file.get_value(section, key, default) static func has_section(section: String): load_config_file() return config_file.has_section(section) static func erase_section(section: String): if has_section(section): config_file.erase_section(section) _save_config_file() static func erase_section_key(section: String, key: String): if has_section(section): config_file.erase_section_key(section, key) _save_config_file() static func get_section_keys(section: String): load_config_file() if config_file.has_section(section): return config_file.get_section_keys(section) return PackedStringArray()